Thursday, December 22, 2011

Introducing Angelina Lerintzo, Founder of Levity Magazine™

 Thursday December 22nd 2011
Holiday article (Christmas)

(The LEVITY Magazine office building)

With Christmas just days away, I was reading the usual several magazines to get into the spirit of shopping ideas for Christmas,and for a few months now I've been reading the upcoming brand Levity Magazine and absolutely loved their December issue.

So I decided to approach the brains behind it for a review and introduction to the readers of The SL Enquirer™ ,OI Magazine blog and the Press Pass media network.
We met up at her lobby upon her agreement to meet me, her name is Angelina Lerintzo.

(Pic of Ms Lerintzo in her office chair)

After chatting a bit privately,I found out Angelina, who is currently only 18 years of age in real life,is from Indonesia, gorgeous and plans to move to the United States soon. Still in high school, she plans to pursue an Arts degree in college and is also a talented balloon sculpture artist in real life besides her communications skills.Without a doubt very bright and creative too being as successful as she is. It made me even more curious to interview one of Secondlife's newest entrepreneurs.

Her building is displaying her logo and advertisers, nicely done and professional, located in the Cheri sim.
Angelina invited me to have a seat with her in the lobby and start our interview............

Lanai:“Hello Angelina,thank you for making some time to meet and talk about you and your brand
Angelina : “Hi Lanai, my pleasure, love your festive Santa hat! Please have a seat”

As we got comfortable I took out my notebook and started by asking her her early beginnings in SL™ such as her very first job upon rezzing inworld.
Angelina: “Well after awhile of wandering the grid,my first job in SL was actually becoming a virtual sex prostitute,which I hated. I rather work in a magazine, I wanted to own one but I had no lindens when I was a newbie.”

Levity's Angelina Lerintzo (left) and SLEnquirer's Lanai Jarrico
"So has it always been your goal to design a magazine in Second Life® or did you get the idea gradually?”
A: “I did dream of having my own magazine since I was 6 years old but now it has become a reality in a virtual world. I didn't know what to choose at first in SL as I love music, writing, I sing and perform as well and basically everything to do with creativity, it's my passion. So, I decided to work as a writer for Press Pass Media™ (click to read Ms Lerintzo's 2010 article at Press Pass) and eventually I finally ended up having my own lifestyle magazine that talks about real life and SL lifestyle, but the ideas to make the step to start the magazine stemmed from my friends encouraging me to create my dream.They are my source of inspiration and I hope that one day, I can turn it into a real life magazine. :)”

Photo of the lobby inside Angelina's LEVITY building on her sim showing her online beacon

You are at your 4th monthly issue currently since your debut release in September this year, with great success may i add, how was it releasing the first issue,what challenges did you face?”
A: ”The first time when I just had this magazine, I was confused on how to start. I made the rates too high and people were just running away from me. I didn't know how to launch my magazine properly and it became a disaster. However, after the 1st issue, I got the hang of it. Now I get more clients and trust from people. I admit that I'm not perfect and I do still have some technical errors but I am human and I do improve gradually as I practice. I love the responses of our readers. It encourages me to be a better publisher and editor-in-chief. :)”

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Pictured aboved is LEVITY Magazine's 4th release, their 2011 Christmas issue (click to read)

Can you explain to the audience what Levity stands for and how you came up with the name?Let me elaborate the question, like what topics you like your magazine to write about and which audience you attract the most?

A: ”Levity stands for humor and fun. I like to joke around a lot with my friends and I always make them laugh through my practical jokes and I decided to make it into Levity Magazine which represents the meaning of life. Without fun and humor, this universe would be dull and that is why I also made the slogan into Levity ' We embrace Lifestyle with Integrity!'
My audience are unisex, for both female and male. Most of the readers are from the age of 18 and above. People usually like Levity because of our style but it really depends on a person's taste. :)”

Nice! Your Christmas issue looks great, we posted the link for our readers, do you also have any upcoming events you plan to do associated with Levity?”

A: “Levity is planning to have a music and art gallery event and we are still accepting artists of all kinds to contribute and come to this event. Feel free to contact me or my assistant editor Cali Karsin regarding the event on 'The Lightheart Soiree.' It will be held in Futurecity™. :)
This event will be held somewhere in January or February. So, for people who are curious, feel free to come by our office. :)

Where do you see the virtual world technology heading in the future?”
Photography of Angelina Lerintzo's profile done by her pro photographer ReeseKylan
A: “Virtual Technology is going to evolve over time. With mesh going on, I believe that there will be endless possibilities in the future, I believe in less than a decade, there will be no more prim overload so businesses can thrive :)

Lanai: “Thank you Miss Lerintzo for this interview, btw have any Christmas holiday plans in your real life?

Angelina: “You are very welcome, I am planning to go to NYC for the holidays.There I will do some shopping, meet up with my SL friend who lives there and also spend some time with my mother!”

Ty for reading the review of Levity Magazine in Second Life® and its founder,Angelina Lerintzo ,visit her website at

From the SLEnquirer wishing you happy holidays and always welcome to leave your comments!

Editor/reporter for Press Pass Media:
Lanai Jarrico,
CEO/President The SL Enquirer

Update April 2012! :

Angelina created the LEVITY production live talk show "The Angelina Lerintzo Show" which has approx. 9 Youtube videos featuring 3 full 15 minute episodes featuring famous guests such as Kay Fairey (BOSL executive and fashionista), Jessie2009 Warrhol (SL Flying Tigers executive) , Synapse Joubert (Poetry Club owner)and guests in the audience like Frolic Mills, Persia Bravin, Filipa Thespian and many more! check it out at LEVITY's Youtube channel or watch the first episode embedded below.

Video still of the first episode, showing the two guests, Michael (DJ) and Kay Fairey with Angelina in center

Caption of the audience at the first episode, taped live (far left is the camera woman Nova filming)

View of the set at the premiere of Angelina's first show

Angelina treating her staff to a party at Mimi's Choice in the Redgrave sim later that day after the first episode

Update October 2012! :

Angelina publishing her first anniversary of LEVITY, featuring her 12th issue October 2012 (Halloween themed)
To read it , just read the embedded version below or follow this link! .
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Angelina also succesfully had her first LEVITY Halloween event, featuring a haunted house and a live music event with singer KevinThomas in October 2012 (see pic below)

The sim had excess of 50 visitors at the event

From the SLEnquirer wishing you happy holidays and always welcome to leave your comments!

Main editor/reporter in 2011:
Lanai Jarrico,
CEO/President The SL Enquirer

Co-editor for updates in 2012:
Carmichael Caudron

Pictures provided by courtesy of Angelina's Facebook and Carmichael Caudron (field photographer)